Half Arabian (sire purebred,
dam APHA paint mare), very smart and people loving, not spooky, easy to
handle. Should excel in endurance, trail, or hunter.
Picasso has been lightly
started in November 2012. He was exceptional easy to work with, and very
gentle, no buck, no spook.
High work load kept me from
continuing his training in 2013, and at this time I managed to injure my
knee which will not allow me to ride him this fall, either. I would love
to see him go to a home where his new owners have the time and resources
to train and enjoy him - he is, definitely, a joy to have around! He loves
people, and he shows it.
See his pedigree at http://www.allbreedpedigree.com
- he sells registered with AHA.
sire |
Khlassic x Khemosabi |
Rhoad |
Arabian |
PC Padrona
Bey x Pryvatecollection |
Rhocks |
May 2010 |
dam |
Daltonshighvoltage |
Fancy Face |
Girl |